The grand Mayan Civilization in "Apocalypto" from Mel Gibson.
A man is forced to board in a journey with no return, when a butal and merciless force invades his village, threatening his peaceful way of life. Although he managed to hide his pregnant wife and son, only a stroke of fate and the power of the love for his family, will give him the strength needed to escape and finally get them to safety.
Mel Gibson once again at his best with "Apocalypto", where he brings to life the decline of the once grand Mayan Civilization in an extremely intense and bloody movie (to say the least), gets three Oscar nomination: Makeup, Sound Editing and Sound Mixing.
Mel Gibson once again at his best with "Apocalypto", where he brings to life the decline of the once grand Mayan Civilization in an extremely intense and bloody movie (to say the least), gets three Oscar nomination: Makeup, Sound Editing and Sound Mixing.
Click an image to enlarge.
Click an image to enlarge.

Movie Title: Apocalypto.
Starring: Dalia Hernandez, Mayra Serbulo, Gerardo Taracena, Raoul Trujillo, Rudy Youngblood.
Director: Mel Gibson.
Writers: Mel Gibson, Farhad Safinia.
Genre: Action, Adventure.
Release Date: December 8th, 2006.

Movie Title: Apocalypto.
Starring: Dalia Hernandez, Mayra Serbulo, Gerardo Taracena, Raoul Trujillo, Rudy Youngblood.
Director: Mel Gibson.
Writers: Mel Gibson, Farhad Safinia.
Genre: Action, Adventure.
Release Date: December 8th, 2006.
Watch a Good Movie Tonight!!
Não gostei, tem demasiada violência gratuita :|
Boas LopesCa.
Quase todas as opiniões que li sobre o filme dizem o mesmo. Acho que foi por isso que sempre fiquei "de pé atrás" em relação a ver este filme apesar da curiosidade.
Também por isso é que ainda não vi "A Paixão de Cristo".
Mas hei-de ver os dois...
Fica bem.
This movie is violent, but it's part of the Aztec culture in the past, remember that they used the Aztec culture in a Mayan Environment, in fact the movie is all in Mayan language; that's weird, but Mel Gibson did an outstanding job [4 stars]
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